
1 Volume, 18 Point Print Bible

“All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, THROUGHLY furnished unto all good works.” 2 Timothy 3:16,17 KJV AV1611


1. We believe that the Bible is God’s Holy, Inspired, Infallible, & Inerrant Word of God. It is found ONLY in the Authorized King James Version of 1611, & ALL OTHERS are counterfeit, & uninspired. We also believe that the Bible is necessary for Doctrine & a standard for a good Christian Life. The Bible must be obeyed. It is a Manual or Rulebook for life.
2 Timothy 3:16, 2 Peter 1:21, Psalms 119:11

2. We believe in a Trinitarian Godhead made up of 3 Persons all distinct, & separate yet equal, & 1. Consisting of God the Father, Christ the Son, & the Holy Spirit who are ALL GOD.
Genesis 1:1,26, John 1:1, 1 John 5:7

3. We believe in the Virgin Birth of Jesus Christ. Which was not consummated by an act of sexual intercourse with God the Father & the Virgin Mary but rather an overshadowing of the Holy Spirit over the virgin Mary.
Luke 1:34,35, Matthew 1:20

4. We believe that Christ not only being fully God is also fully man & so doing lived 33 1/2 years of a sinless life.
Hebrews 1:1-14,4:15, Philippians 2:5-11

5. We believe that Jesus, although perfect & sinless, became sin for us, & was crucified on a cruel cross to pay our sin debt to God. He took our place. He paid this price & was crucified ONCE FOR ALL!!!
Philippians 2:5-11, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4, 2 Corinthians 5:21, Hebrews 9:12-14

6. We believe that after Christ’s physical death on the cross that He was buried in a borrowed tomb & while His physical body lay in the tomb that His Soul went to hell(Abraham’s bosom) to lead captivity captive. We also believe that His physical body did not see corruption(decay) due to the physical makeup of His blood which is God’s blood.
Matthew 27:57-60, Mark 15:43-47, Luke 23:50-53, John 19:38-42, Hebrews 2:14, Acts 2:31, Ephesians 4:8,9, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4, Luke 23:42,43, Luke 16:19-31

7. We believe that after 3 days in the grave Christ physically & bodily arose from the grave thus conquering death.
1 Corinthians 15:1-4, Matthew 28:1-20, Mark 16:1-18, Luke 24:1-50, John 20:1-21:25

8. We believe in the bodily ascension of Jesus Christ to heaven where He sits at the right hand of the Father & where He makes intercession for us.
Mark 16:19, Luke 24:51, Acts 1:9, Romans 8:34

9. We believe in a bodily resurrection of ALL of the SAVED who have accepted Jesus as their personal Lord & savior. When Christ comes in the clouds of glory to catch away, or rapture His bride (THE SAVED ONLY). We believe this rapture or catching away is a pretribulational, premillenial rapture. This is to say before the tribulation or millennial periods begins.
Revelation 3:10, 4:1, 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18, Luke 21:27, Matthew 25:31, Acts 1:11

10. We believe that A 7 year period known as The Tribulation period, or “The Great Tribulation” period is one in which a great leader known as “the antichrist” joined up with a great religious leader called “the false prophet” will rise up on the earth’s scene. He will be used by God to judge men on the earth who have not accepted Christ. Those who will accept Christ will be “beheaded” (killed) for their faith & those who don’t will receive a mark in their forehead or hand (666) as a pledge of allegiance to the antichrist and for this act of allegiance they will lose their very soul.
Revelation 4:1-19:21

11. We believe after the tribulation period has concluded those that have put their faith in Christ both before & during the tribulation period will reign with Christ for 1,000 years while the devil is shut up or confined in the bottomless pit for 1,000 years. Then he will be loosed for a short season to tempt those born during the millennial reign of Christ & then will meet his final doom in the lake of fire where the beast and false prophet will be.
Revelation 20:1-10

12. We believe that man was created perfect & sinless with a free will, but when given the choice & a command from God he disobeyed & thus passed his sinful nature to all the generations.
Romans 5:12, 3:10, 3:23

13. We believe in an eternal place of judgment for those who have refused Christ as their Savior. In the Holy Bible, this place is called HELL or the Lake of FIRE in which the LOST will suffer for ALL eternity & will be TORMENTED day & night. We believe this place is ETERNAL. We believe in a LITERAL FIRE that will NEVER be quenched, but most of all we believe that this place is CHOSEN by the individual & NOT a place where God delights in SENDING PEOPLE TO.
Psalms 9:17, Isaiah 5:14, Matthew 5:29, 10:28, 18:9, Mark 9:43,45,47, Luke 16:23, Revelation 20:13,14

14. We believe that the ONLY WAY that man can ever go to heaven is to be SAVED THROUGH THE BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST, & JESUS CHRIST ALONE!!! Christ paid our sin debt on Calvary’s cross.
John 3:3,16,17, Acts 16:31, Romans 10:9,10,13, Acts 4:12

15. We believe that the doing or performing of good deeds or works is unnecessary for salvation but rather a proof that we are saved but not a means of obtaining, maintaining, or keeping salvation.
Titus 3:5, Ephesians 2:8,9, Isaiah 64:6, 2 Corinthians 5:17

16. We believe in the FULL IMMERSION of a BELIEVER. This is NOT a means of OBTAINING salvation, but rather a simulation & is used in a symbolic means to show each new believer’s death, burial & resurrection in Jesus Christ or an outward sign of an already completed inward work. We do NOT believe in the baptizing of infants or the dead since they CAN NOT believe in Jesus Christ!!! neither do we believe baptism is accomplished by sprinkling or pouring but rather FULL IMMERSION as an act of obedience following our blessed Savior who was also baptized in the same manner.
Romans 6:1-4, Matthew 3:13-17, Acts 8:35-39

17. We believe that the baptism of the Holy Ghost occurs at the moment of conversion & NOT as a second WORK or ACT of grace. We believe the Spirit who indwells a man will express himself in acts of praise (shouting, dancing, clapping hands, stomping of feet) but is NOT demonstrated by the speaking of tongues. Although we do believe God’s Spirit can empower a man to speak in a FOREIGN LANGUAGE for missionary work, He will NOT rather empower a person to BABBLE ENDLESSLY.
Acts 2:1-11, 10:44-46, 1 Corinthians 14:1-40

18. We believe in the observance of communion as a memorial remembrance of Christ’s death & suffering for us. We do NOT believe that the UNLEAVENED bread (MATZAH) or fruit of the vine (GRAPE JUICE) turns into the LITERAL body & blood of Jesus Christ but rather they are SYMBOLIC.
1 Corinthians 11:17-34, Matthew 26:17-30, Mark 14:12-26, Luke 22:1-20

19. We believe in the act of servanthood 1 for another. We believe that NO MAN is GREATER than another!!! No matter what position that they may hold in the church. This was well demonstrated when our Lord Jesus Christ who is Master of all, as well as King of Kings & Lord of Lords, took it upon Himself the act of SERVANTHOOD to wash the disciples feet & He said as I have done this to you do this 1 to another. This was NOT a command for us to institute the custom of foot washing, but rather the custom of being 1 another’s SERVANT’s!!!
Luke 22:24-30, John 13:1-17

20. We believe that the leadership of the church is first Christ, second pastors, (also known in the Bible as elder or bishop), deacons, evangelists, & teachers. We believe the pastor must meet the qualifications as set forth in the Holy Bible & is therefore answerable to Christ & the church as to his conduct.
1 Timothy 3:1-7, 1 Corinthians 12:28-31, Ephesians 4:11-12

21. We believe as a missionary outreach of a church we are accountable to JESUS CHRIST, yet at the same time when we visit a body of believers we believe we are to submit under that pastor’s authority during the service(s) that we take part in as to our conduct. By the same token, while following that particular pastor’s leadership, the direction & leadership of HOLYness BIBLEs for the blind is to be directed by JESUS CHRIST!!!
Hebrews 13:17

Then try some of these links!

Missionary ken & ruth outside of ministry
Learn about our history.

How we came together, & when each member of HOLYness BIBLEs for the blind joined the team. Not to mention just what each brought on board with them!!!


Missionary Ken Wolfgang
Here he comes complete with 4 paw drive!

Get to know Missionary Ken Wolfgang up close without having to get Leader Dog Kissed!


Ruth Wolfgang
They say beauty is skin deep.

However, we believe a person’s true beauty should come from the heart.
Well, we say if you get to know Ruth Wolfgang you’ll see she has it both in & out as well!!!!


The Ashtabula Angels Album Cover
Meet the angels!!!

Support this ministry by getting your copy of the Ashtabula Angels, “Clearly Spoken” CD, or see what’s coming soon!
See What’s on it, and listen to a sampling of it’s strong messages from heaven, or book these messengers of God’s Amazing grace before they fly away!!!


Missionary ken preaching
Learn the answers to some hard hitting questions on our HOLYness BIBLEs Q & A tell it like it is!!!