In this 1st photo of me. I’m the man on the left side, & I’m wearing a black, long sleeve, sweatshirt with the printing on the front of it that says, “The blood of Jesus washes away sins”.
In this 2nd photo of me. I’m the man on the right side, & I’m wearing a plain white shirt.
In this 3rd & last photo of me. I’m the man in the center, praying, & I’m wearing a gray, sweat jacket.
I’m an Evangelist/Missionary to the Jewish People! I am handsome and outgoing 30 year old male, that totally is devoted to my Lord and Savior Yeshua/Jesus
My name is: Timothy Gruver
I currently live at: 7271 Amboy Road Staten Island, New York 10307
My gender is: Male
My Age is: 34
I was born on: April of 1980
My Ethnicity is: Caucasian/White
The Languages I Speak is: English
My Height is: 5ft. 10in.
My weight is: 210Lbs. to 220Lbs.
My Body Type is: Average
My Hair Color is: Dark Brown
My Eye Color is: Brown
Do I have any Tattoos? NO!
Do I have any Body Piercings? NO!
What is my relationship status? Single
Do I have any children? NO!
Do I want to have children? Yes
What religion, faith, etc. do I believe in? Baptist
The Church I was raised in: Methodist
The Church I attend now: Baptist
My Church Attendance: every week
My Ministry if any: “Sow The Seed Ministries”
What is my field of Study? Other
What Occupation or Occupations am I presently working at? Bakery, Clerical, Evangelist, Fundraising, Mail Clerk, Missionary, Other, Preacher
My education level is: Bachelor’s degree
Do I smoke? Never
Do I drink alcoholic beverages? Occasionally
My eating Habits: Meat lover, Love sweets, Fast food, I SEE food & I eat it!!!
Do I travel for fun? Often
What are my work habits? 9 to 5
Do I travel for work? Often
How am I as far as to Timeliness?: I am usually on time
As to how I dress: I dress to be comfortable
What is my level of physical Fitness? Moderate exercise
My type of sense of humor is: Sarcastic, Witty, Light, Slapstick
My political leaning is: Conservative
My sexual preferences are: One on one sex
My favorite airline is: US Airways
My favorite Celebrity is: Jesus Christ!
My favorite Animal is: Lamb
My favorite Appliance is: refrigerator
My favorite Artist is: None
My favorite Beverage is: Ice Tea or coffee
My favorite Books or Writers are: The Holy Bible in the King James Authorized Version of 1611 written by God Himself
My favorite Brands are: Rockport
My favorite Candy or Snack is: Swedish Fish
My favorite Vehicle is: Any, as long as it gets me there in one piece.
My favorite City is: Jerusalem
My favorite Clothing Store or Label is: Arizona
My favorite Comedian is: Missionary Ken Wolfgang
My favorite Films are: The Light Of The World
My favorite Flower or Plant is: The rose
My favorite Food is: Hummus (Mediterranean)
My favorite Gadget is: A CD player
My favorite Game is: Bible Trivia
My favorite Hero is: Jesus Christ
My favorite Hobby is: Reading the Bible and praying
My favorite Holy Day is: Passover
My favorite Hotel or Motel is: Any, as long as the room is clean, and there’s a KJV AV1611 Holy Bible to read
My idea of a great trip: One in which preaching & soul-winning is a part.
My favorite indoor activity: Charity/Volunteering
My favorite Indulgence is: Reading the Bible and praying
My favorite Leisure Activities are: walking
My favorite Local Hang Outs are: Local Coffee Shop
My favorite Publications are: The Holy Bible in the King James Authorized Version of 1611 written by God Himself
My favorite type of Music is: Gospel or Bluegrass Gospel
My favorite kind of Pets are: cats
My favorite Place to live is: Israel
My favorite Political Figure is: Abraham Lincoln
My favorite Radio Show is: None
My favorite Season is: spring
My favorite Software is: Samsung
My favorite Sports Team is: Baltimore Orioles
My favorite Stores are: Dollar Stores
My favorite Travel Destination is: Israel
My “BIGGEST” Turn ons are: The things of the Spirit
My favorite TV Shows or Channels are: None
My favorite Virtue is: The fear of God
My favorite Website(s) are:,,
Activities I Avoid: Anywhere God does not lead me
My least favorite Bad Habits are: the twitching in my left arm
Foods I Hate are: None
In my opinion, the world’s Worst Evildoers are: Satan
In my opinion, the Worst Fashion Crime is: Janet Jackson showing off her breasts at the Super Bowl
My Biggest Fears are: Not being able to love my wife as Christ loved the church and “Gave HIMSELF” for it!!!
My Worst Job Ever was: None
Things That Make me Angry are: Sin in the body of Christ
Music That Drives me Nuts is: Rap
My Pet Peeves are: People blasting their horns for no reason
My “BIGGEST” Turn Offs are: Hypocrites
My “BIGGEST” Unforgivable Vices are: Besetting sins
What I’d like to do on a first meeting: I would just like to be able to get to know a young lady and rejoice in all that we have in common in Jesus Christ the Messiah. I am ready to find a life-long spouse.
To me, being a Christian means: Saying what you mean, & meaning what you say! In short being a “REAL CHRISTIAN” means NOT playing games or putting up false fronts. It also means NOT running away from someone who is “DIFFERENT” from you! Rather, it is getting to know someone & looking beyond looks or anything else that you could nit-pick apart about that “PERSON”.
I’ve been a Christian for: I have been a born again believer in the Lord Jesus Christ since March of 1995- going on twenty years
In five years, I see myself: God willing, I’d like to see at least one or more lost souls come to the life changing BLOOD of JESUS CHRIST! I’m also praying to gain my citizenship in the Holy Land, that is to say the land of Israel, so I can carry out the work to which Jesus Christ called me to. However, if it is the will of God for me to be elsewhere till Jesus comes or I go to be with him, so be it.
My favorite Bible passage is: Psalms 107:37 “And sow the fields, and plant vineyards, which may yield fruits of increase.” KJV AV1611 “Sow The fields Ministries” is the name the Lord has given me for this ministry. This name for my ministry comes from the very verse the Lord used to confirm me in the call he already gave me as an evangelist to the fields of lost souls in this world (Psalms 107:37).
One final thing I’d like to mention:
Due to the fact that I’m an Evangelist/Missionary/Preacher & have a special calling upon my life. I’m praying that someone will just look past the “stupid stuff” that is “ALREADY” under control medically, and get to know the real “PERSON” that I am!
There are many in this world who have Asthma or Diabetes & with proper medications have these conditions under control. So, the fact that I have epilepsy but also buy the use of medications have had this condition under control for many years should not make anyone shiver in their shoes!!!
The fact is that I’m just your average Evangelist/Missionary/Preacher with an under control medical condition whom is seeking his rib to complete his life!
The “REAL QUESTION” is are you special enough to be “THAT RIB”???
You can here it for yourself! Listen to “My Personal Testimony, Timothy Scott Gruver”. by clicking 1 of the buttons below.
However, those using “TEXT TO SPEECH” or “SCREEN” readers may find some audio conflicts.
This 1st Part of “My Personal Testimony” will take approximately 1 hour 6 minutes to play.
This 2nd Part of “My Personal Testimony” will take approximately 28 minutes to play.
Audio PlayerDid YOU LIKE WHAT YOU heard???
If you would like a copy of “My Personal Testimony Timothy Scott Gruver” on CD! Contact my fellow labor’s in Christ by clicking this link. After you contact them you can
request My Personal Testimony, Timothy Scott Gruver
and make sure to give them the following information:
your full name
Full Address
Telephone Number including area code
Email address
as well as the fact that you are requesting the title “My Personal Testimony, Timothy Scott Gruver”
and the fact that you would like to receive it in CD.
You can download your “FREE” copy through this website!
These downloads will be “MP3” files.
Download My Personal Testimony, Timothy Scott Gruver, Part 1
Download My Personal Testimony, Timothy Scott Gruver, Part 2
If you feel after reading “ALL” of my profile above.
That you’re “special enough” to be my “MISSING RIB” for life.
Then go here to check your convictions out for sure & if so, then fill out a form to contact me & tell me “ALL” about you.
Hey, who knows you may just be the one that the Lord Jesus Christ has had me waiting for!!!
If you want to know more about me & my special ministry & calling. Be sure to check out my other pages on this website as well!!!
To find out more information about my ministry, how it came to be, and where I stand on God’s Word!
Go here for the complete details!
Shedding “Light Upon Darkness”!!!
This is where I shed the glorious “LIGHT” of God’s word (the KJV AV1611) on a false doctrine(s) , or cultural topic(s) of the day that we’re living in.
Colossians 1:13 “Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son:” KJV AV1611
St. John 1:4 “In him was life; and the life was the light of men.” KJV AV1611
These are monthly articles. So, keep coming back to see what’s new!!!
A NEW HOME FOR “The Word Of The King”!!!
This mission & work is also achieved through “The Word Of The King” broadcast that had played on WINB radio station out of Red Lion, Pennsylvania at 1:00 P.M. on Fridays and 1:30 P.M. on Sundays.
However, due to God’s leading & provision “The Word Of The King” will now be heard live here on the “HOLYness BIBLEs for the blind” website on a biweekly schedule.
Each edition will run from 12:00AM Eastern Standard Time (EST) every Sunday to the next 12:00AM Eastern Standard Time (EST) Wednesday morning. Then the next edition will run from 12:00AM Eastern Standard Time (EST) every Wednesday to the next 12:00AM Eastern Standard Time (EST) Sunday morning when the program will be updated etc., etc. .
Go here to hear the biweekly broadcast of “The Word Of The King”!!!
Put your hand to the plow & don’t look back!!!
Take a look at the prayer requests from the “SOW THE SEED MINISTRIES”.
Then ask God how He would have you be a blessing for Him!!!
“Sow The Seed Ministries” Prayer Requests
In the meantime, financial love offerings & “Faith Promise” LOVE gifts are also appreciated to help out with purchasing, and shipping of Scriptures, as well as Gospel tracts. The handing out of Scriptures, and Gospel tracts are also a critical part of this ministry the Lord has blessed me with. I want to sow abundantly so I shall reap an abundant harvest for my Lord and Redeemer/Messiah, Jesus In Hebrew-Yeshua!
If you are interested in helping to supply me with Chick tracts to make use of, you can give a LOVE gift of chick tracts by one of the following steps:
and tell them you would like to give financially to the funds for Timothy Gruver.
You can also call Chick publications directly at 1-909-987-0771. Just ask to speak with Karen.
You may give your LOVE or Faith Promise gift here!!!
If you want to send a check or money order to continue the work God has called me to. Or, you have any prayer requests. Feel free to contact me by US Postal Mail. Be sure to make all checks or money orders payable to “Timothy Gruver” at the postal address given here.
7271 Amboy Road
Staten Island, New York 10307
Finally, if you have any prayer requests or want to request for me to bring a message or two to your flock. Feel free to contact me by filling out the simple contact form below.
God bless you!!!
NOTE: Be sure that all areas that have a ( * ) before them are completely filled in!