
white cane

The Truly Disabled People
By: Larry Socha

There are people in this world born into strife,
who can substitute love for their inconvenience in life.
Such as the blind who can’t see the night from day,
but yet they can see love in so many ways.
Such as the deaf who can’t hear a sound,
but yet they can hear when love is around.
Such as the mentally disabled who can’t comprehend,
but yet they can love until there’s no end,
but its the people in this world who think they’re the perfect kind,
these are the people who are mentally disabled, deaf, and blind.

Missionary ken and leader dog truman
Take The Lead!!!

It’s as easy as walking!


Little Girl
You can be a GPS for the visually disadvantaged!!!

Translate visual directions that a blind person can see!


white cane
I can’t tell time except with a digital display!!!

Help get your friend’s food out of a time warp!